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POST-FIRE CLEAN-UP Restoration Services Near You

When a house fire strikes, extinguishing the flames is just the beginning of an extensive recovery process. The lingering smoke and soot can continue to damage your home and belongings, sometimes causing as much damage as the fire. At ServiceMaster Disaster Associates - Stoneham, we specialize in soot and smoke damage clean-up and fire restoration. With our expertise, we know the best and most effective ways to deal with soot, smoke, and odor damage.

The residue left behind by a fire can be hazardous and result in health problems for anyone in your home if not immediately addressed by professionals.

Protect your home and health! Contact us at (781) 531-9634 or online for reliable and effective smoke damage cleanup in Stoneham! 

Common types of smoke damage

Wet Smoke Damage

  • Description: Results from smoldering, low-heat fires that burn slowly, producing thick, sticky smoke.
  • Challenges: Wet smoke leaves behind a stubborn, oily residue that is challenging to clean. The strong, lingering odor requires extensive deodorization efforts.

Dry Smoke Damage

  • Description: Occurs from high-temperature, fast-burning fires, leaving behind a fine, powdery residue.
  • Challenges: While less visible, the fine particles can penetrate surfaces deeply, making cleaning more challenging. Special care is needed to prevent smearing and staining.

Protein Smoke Damage

  • Description: Generated by burning organic materials like food, leaving a strong, persistent odor and a yellowish film.
  • Challenges: The odor can be particularly stubborn, requiring specific cleaning and deodorization techniques for effective removal.

Fuel Oil Smoke Damage

  • Description: Typically caused by furnace malfunctions or oil-burning appliances, resulting in a sooty residue.
  • Challenges: Soot from fuel oil smoke can adhere strongly to surfaces, necessitating specialized cleaning methods to avoid smudging and staining.

Each type of smoke damage demands a tailored restoration strategy to ensure effective cleanup and the removal of lingering odors, restoring the property to its original condition.

For professional smoke damage restoration services in Stoneham, MA, call (781) 531-9634 or contact us online today. 

Time is of the Essence When Dealing With Smoke Damage

Smoke can rapidly damage your home. In just a few minutes, it can discolor walls, and within hours, it can discolor finishes on kitchen appliances. Other smoke damage includes etching in glass, tarnished metal, and damage and corrosion to various materials throughout your property. That's why it's crucial to immediately reach out to a professional restoration company after experiencing a fire. 

ServiceMaster Disaster Associates - Stoneham is available 24/7 to help minimize the damage to your home and initiate restoration right away!

Our Smoke Damage Restoration Process

  • Cleaning any built-up ash residue before it has the chance to spread
  • Neutralizing any odors
  • Removing any soot, odors, or stains from at-risk items, including tile, porcelain, chrome, brass, aluminum, and marble
  • Cleaning carpets, fabrics, and upholstery
  • Deodorizing curtains and carpeting before cleaning
  • Using advanced chemicals that break up smoke molecules to rid your home of odors before dry cleaning your clothes

Tips to Minimize Soot and Smoke Damage

ServiceMaster Disaster Associates - Stoneham has the knowledge and training to help you recover from soot and smoke damage. 

In addition to calling us to assist you with your home's restoration, there are a few measures you can take to help minimize damage to your property:

  • Air out your house to reduce smoke odor if the temperature permits
  • Change the air filter on your furnace if you use forced hot air
  • Avoid touching any damaged areas with your hands, as the oils from your skin can permeate walls, woodwork, and upholstery, resulting in further damage
  • Do not try to wash the walls, as it can compound the soot residue

Don't do it yourself!

Don't attempt to clean your home after a fire. This type of clean-up requires the expertise of a professional team specializing in fire and smoke restoration. ServiceMaster Disaster Associates - Stoneham is available 24/7/365 to restore your home and provide you with peace of mind.

For more information about our smoke, soot, and odor damage restoration services in Stoneham, MA, call us at (781) 531-9634 or contact us online today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How toxic is smoke damage?

Smoke damage isn't just a cosmetic issue. The tiny particles left behind after a fire can irritate your lungs, causing coughing, wheezing, and even worsen asthma. Long-term exposure gets even scarier, potentially leading to heart problems and certain cancers.  These risks come from harmful chemicals like soot and leftover gases that linger in the air and stick to furniture. So, while fire damage might be the immediate danger, the smoke's aftereffects can be just as serious.

What not to use after a house fire?

After a fire, safety comes first. Avoid using anything that has been exposed to flames, smoke, or water damage. This includes electronics, appliances, and even closed food containers. The heat can alter food composition, and smoke can leave behind toxins. Don't risk illness by using contaminated items.  For clothes and sentimental items, professional smoke damage cleaning is recommended to remove smoke particles and lingering odors safely.